Rent Or Lease A Vacuum Cooler, Hydro-Cooler Or Freeze Dryer.

ValuKool has multiple vacuum coolers, hydro-coolers and freeze dryers available for rent or lease. Renting or leasing a cooling system has the benefit of being able to add value and extend the shelf life of your fresh products without a large, outright purchase.

Our vacuum cooler fleet consists of some units that are trailer mounted for better mobility and reduced cost of system placement. Others also come with dedicated generator sets, eliminating the need for the 3-Phase power requirement at your facility, which gives greater flexibility for your operation.
ValuKool’s vacuum coolers also come with easy to use PLC control systems which allow the operators quickly learn how to operate the equipment with ease.
Contact ValuKool today for availability and any other questions you may have regarding our vacuum cooler and hydro-cooler rental or leasing options.
Click the button below to speak to one of our North American engineers to see which ValuKool product is best suited to your specific business needs.

Vacuum Cooling
Vacuum cooling is the leading method of precooling “leafy” food products. Vacuum cooling is much faster than cold storage cooling and is guaranteed to extend the shelf-life of your food products by multiple days.

Freeze Drying
Freeze drying is the process of removing water or moisture from frozen sensitive food products while they remain in the frozen state. This means they retain their original shape and structure once dried.

Hydro Cooling
Hydro-Coolers use chilled water to rapidly cool warm products. Hydro-cooling is an effective method of quickly removing heat from products that have a small surface area compared to their volume.
Please call us or fill out the form below if you would like to obtain a quote or have any questions about ValuKool products or services. A ValuKool representative will be in touch as soon as possible.
Shop Address:
192 Mary St.
Brantford, ON, Canada
N3S 3C2